Thursday, April 21, 2011

HI, BLOG! I MISSED YA… (Plus, updates)

Ah, it’s been ages since I put an entry on your pages! Think of all the ramblings I could have posted, all the (mis)adventures I could have told, all the trends I could have flaunted, and all the creative ideas (both the sensible and nonsensical) I could have materialized on (cyber)print.
(not to mention, all the parenthetical contents that could have been footnotes)
I missed you, blog. I’m sorry if I squandered my time for intellectual and literary skills over too much Good Eats, Facebook, Ryori no Tetsujin (Iron Chef Japan), Breath of Fire IV, Harvest Moon – Tree of Tranquility, Harvey Birdman, Beakman’s World, and other childish (but awesomely cool!) interests.
Updates? Well…
* * * * *
1st UPDATE: LUBAS 2011
It’s my first time to be at the easternmost part of the Philippine archipelago as we arrived at Tacloban via Cebu. It was fun, worthwhile, and educational experience to be together with fellow campus journalists from other parts of the Visayas, all in the spirit of solidarity. I hope to see Ken, Kuya Alvin, and Merrie, as well as a lot of new faces (to me), like Mark Anthony, Shermaine, and Mitot.
Madamo nga salamat ha staff han UP Vista!
(I’ll try to create a separate entry for this.)
PhotobucketThe Tolentine Star staff with Bayan Muna representative Teddy Casiño
Photobucket“Sumulong, sumulat, manindigan at magmulat, CEGP!”
* Special thanks to Lara Alcansare of the Technopacer for the photos.
* * * * *
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their pleasurable presence on my 19th birthday: Kathryn, Jenny Rose, Dean Victor, Rikka, Nang Camille, Marxius, Recon John, Reygelyn, Zaphira, Sonofaditch, Al Gerard, Mara Kathleen, Maxine, Marynor, Nang Grace C., Ninang Mabel, and everyone else who put the “special” in my “special day”.
Our take on Pinoy Henyo
Sa mga waay nagtambong… (-_-)…
Okey lang! :D
* * * * *
Second semester made me haggard. Still, kudos to those who made it through the haggardness and graduated, especially Nang Richelle, Nong Jamal, and Kuya Charlie.
You know what? I still have to be in haggard-mode in the midst of summer. ‘Nuff said.
* * * * *
I gotta end this for now. Good luck, godspeed, God bless!