Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cyber Insanity

This might be the part of Youtube and the Internet that have been abandoned by reason and logic.

1. He-Man's Version of "What's Up?"

Three adjectives for this: "weird", "flamboyant", and "hilarious. (And I just can't hold back the urge to be amused when I get to the part with the dramatic "Don't Cry Out Loud" insertion, featuring Bird Lady.)

2. YOU SHALL NOT PASS (Techno Remix)

Ahh...  Those four immortal words by the Grey Wizard of Middle Earth himself, Mithrandir a.k.a. Gandalf the Grey... and four words that every student dreads to hear from his teacher in Science or Mathematics.

3. "This Is My Peepee"

This video screams "PEDO!!!" and "EXHIBITIONIST!!!"

4. EPIC SAX GUY from Moldova Eurovision 2010
Oh... kay. Cheesy saxophone music, cheesy dance steps, cheesy attire... Only thing not cheesy in this video is the pelvic thrusting (or crotch-humping) of the so-called "Epic Sax Guy"... IT'S DISTURBING!!! O.o

5. Banana Song (I'm A Banana)

Uh... Random, non-sequitur, nonsensical... Barely any trace of sanity and/or reason here...

I suppose that there's a silver lining in the midst of all this craziness. Say, let's watch an 80's music video! Some good old nostalgic musical fun...













Oh, goodness gracious... "Rick-rolling"...

Good luck, godspeed, God bless na lang... Here's to another semester, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Manghod Pax! Try mo Narwhals, The Duck Song, Cyanide and Happiness... Hehe... And Happy Tree Friends kung gusto mo brutal. Haha
