Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's that time of the year...

...yet, living in a tropical country with no snowfall, you can't really tell if it really is that time of the year. Sure, people may flaunt their lights and decorations but it's still a freakin' tropical climate. The slight showers and typhoon that recently passed by are not making the situation for our climate better. Aside from slight inconveniences (waay klase, mabaka-baka pa dala kapote kag payong, etc.) and major devastation (especially in the south, which was usually a storm-free area), it sucked. It sucked away all the cool winds so it just got all the more humid. IT SUCKED; therefore, IT SUCKS. BAH, HUMBUG!

No. Christmas carols and Santa Claus will not be enough to convey that "wintry" atmosphere for me. For that, I must turn... TO AZEROTH. TO NORTHREND!

Keep your stinking workshop elves and their pansy-green clothes. I'd rather have the Vrykul. Oh, and I do bet that the Lich King can beat up the Jolly Old Red-Clad Bearded One's ass any day.

Good luck, godspeed, God bless!

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