Wednesday, February 6, 2013

21 FOR 21 AT 21: Wish #16


Mmm... Chocolate... :P

I will make the chocolate. I will eat my chocolate. I will sell the extensively enormous  surplus. And I will eat some more chocolate. :3

Like that Wonka guy... Except that my teeth are not perfect
and I'm not a total recluse. (But I am eccentric, actually.)

Of course, I'll be needing helpers. But instead of Oompa-Loompahs, I will be served a bunch of cyborg-geishas who resemble Jinri Park (uhm, yeah, her again) who act as factory workers, clean up staff, "entertainment" (to boost morale. hehe) and other functions that will depend on any necessity arising out of my bidding...


The profits will go to every charity, NGO, grassroots organization, orphanage, and every other entity and person that deserves it.

And I may need a good doctor and dentist for a future filled with diabetes and tooth-decay. And I wonder if this guy is qualified...

"Ello, evreh-badeh!"

* * * * *

15 more wishes to go. 15 days to go. Woohoo! Good luck, godspeed, God bless!

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